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Facilitymanagement refers to the administration and management of buildings as well as their technical facilities and equipment.
The Facilitymanagement Facility management as a secondary process ensures the long-term preservation or increase of the assets of companies in the form of building fabric, facilities and equipment. In German usage, FM is mainly referred to buildings and properties. The term is defined by the scope of services (tasks). The tasks are divided into the technical, infrastructural and commercial areas. Examples include monitoring the technical building equipment (TGA), organising and commissioning building services, preparing tender documents for conversion and maintenance, and procurement management for all consumer goods from energy to advertising materials.
Facilitymanagement is a holistic, strategic and life-cycle related management approach to continuously provide facilities, their systems, processes and contents, to keep them functional and to adapt them to changing organisational and market needs. It thus optimises the operation, profitability, use, marketing and value retention of the entire real estate and facilities, including all processes necessary for this, and thus achieves a holistic and comprehensive real estate, equipment and infrastructure creation, provision and management with the aim of increasing earnings in the long term, ensuring quality and maintaining value.